Most loving husband, the best father, a lovely
brother, a faithful son, and a dearest friend :
brother, a faithful son, and a dearest friend :
Born :3 June 1973
Passed Away :31 August 2012
Wife : Lucia Wuisan
Daughter : Jocelynn Umpel
Son : Jeshua Umpel
Son : Jeshua Umpel
Sister : Desie Umpel
Brother : in taw Christian Wijaya
Brother : in taw Christian Wijaya
Brother : Charles Umpel
Sister : in Paw Vilani Kewo
Sister : in Paw Vilani Kewo
Father : Dicky Umpel
Mother : Sientje Assa
Mother : Sientje Assa
Father in-law : Theodore Wuisan
Mother-in-law : leanny Pa landeng
Mother-in-law : leanny Pa landeng
All brothers of his from The Family of Canisius
College Menteng and SD Tarakanita - Rawamangun.
College Menteng and SD Tarakanita - Rawamangun.
We celebrate his life as what he inspired each
one of us through his love for God and passion
for life. We love you everyday, yesterday, today,
and for the rest of our lives....
one of us through his love for God and passion
for life. We love you everyday, yesterday, today,
and for the rest of our lives....
Moment of Respect is held at Rumah Duka
RSPAD Gatot Su brotoo Seneno Jakarta Pusat.
RSPAD Gatot Su brotoo Seneno Jakarta Pusat.
Svendpri will leave for Manado to his final
resting place on Sunday, 2 September 2012.
resting place on Sunday, 2 September 2012.
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Tags : RIP, ajal, anumerta, beritadukacita, cremation, dead, death, die, died, dikremasi, dikremasikan, dikubur, dimakamkan, disemayamkan, dukacita, grave, jiwa, kematian, kremasi, kubur, kuburan, makam, mati, meninggal, meninggaldunia, nyawa, obituari, obituary, restinpeace, soul, syahid, tewas, tomb, wafat, rumahduka, mortuary, petimati, coffin, jenazah, almarhum, almarhumah, pelayat, melayat, Announcements, Family, Life, News, People, Personal, Social Media, Health
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