August 14, 1952 - September 4, 2009
No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God can tell us why.
So much has changed since you've been gone,
Through ups and downs our lives move on,
But as time rolls by one thing remains true,
We'll always have memories of you.
A sadness still comes over us,
Tears in silence often flow,
Memory keeps you ever near us,
Though you died three years ago.
Budi Harianto Ishak, Aida and Nobel Tanihaha,
Grace and Ronald Ishak, A.J. and Tiger Tanihaha.
"Therefore, since we're surrounded by such great cloud
of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the pioneer and perfecter of faith."
- Hebrew 12:1-2a -
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Tags : RIP, ajal, anumerta, beritadukacita, cremation, dead, death, die, died, dikremasi, dikremasikan, dikubur, dimakamkan, disemayamkan, dukacita, grave, jiwa, kematian, kremasi, kubur, kuburan, makam, mati, meninggal, meninggaldunia, nyawa, obituari, obituary, restinpeace, soul, syahid, tewas, tomb, wafat, rumahduka, mortuary, petimati, coffin, jenazah, almarhum, almarhumah, pelayat, melayat, Announcements, Family, Life, News, People, Personal, Social Media, Health
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