Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011


Info Meninggal Dunia atau Berita Duka Cita

In Loving Memory of
Wife of the Late Tjoa Hok Sioe Peacefully called hame to our lord on June 22, 2011 Cherished and loved by Children : Gregory, Grace, Pauline, Monica and Stephen Wake is hell at Church of Sf Mary of the Angels, La Verna Chapel, 5 Bukit Batok East Ave 2 Funeral Mass on Saturday June 25 at 2.30 pm. Cortege will leave at 4pm for Mandai Crematorium Her ashes will be gown back home for burial in Jakarta, Indonesia on Sunday June 26
"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in  God. and trusralso in me. Them is mom than enough room in my Fafher's home If this were not so, would; have told you That; am going to prepare a place for you?
When everythingls ready, I will come and get you. so that you will always be with Me where I am. And you know the way to where  am going." John 14:1 -6

Abu jenazah akan tiba dari Singapore pada hari Hingga 26 Juni 2011 siang ban akan langsung dibawa ke Rumah Duka Dharmais l.ti Ruang J. Misa akan diadakan pada Pk.15.00 WE di rumah duka Dharmais. Selesai Misa Abu Jenazah akan dimakamkan di pemakaman Petamburan.

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